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    Yoon-seok, Sang-woo, Won-seon and Ho-young are four best friends who live in Susaek, a poor town of Seoul. With a landfill nearby, Susaek reeks of the trucks bringing the city’s garbage. When Korea is chosen to hold the 2002 World Cup, Susaek is mentioned as the location for the new soccer stadium. Greedy entrepreneurs crowd into town and the locals get excited, hoping for urban renewal and redevelopment. When Won-seon is recruited by a local gang and gets involved in the redevelopment business, Sang-woo becomes jealous. Can their friendship survive the new strains?


    • 10.0 抢先版 灭世男孩 比尔·斯卡斯加德,杰西卡·罗德,米歇尔·道克瑞,布伦特·吉尔曼,艾赛亚·穆斯塔法,雅彦·鲁伊安,尼古拉斯·克罗维蒂,卡梅伦·克罗维蒂,奎因·科普兰,安德鲁·浩二,沙尔托·科普雷,法米克·詹森,Monica,Angrand,英格·贝克曼,Nena,Butler,Jane,de,Wet,谢恩·约翰·克鲁格,马丁·门罗,凯文·奥托,Conner,Ronquest
    • 7.0 HD 共助2:国际 玄彬,柳海真,林允儿,丹尼尔·海尼,陈善圭
    • 5.0 HD 九一神雕侠侣 刘德华,梅艳芳,郭富城,叶蕴仪,刘嘉玲
    • 7.0 HD 策马入林 马如风,张盈真,邓丙辰,古军,陈慧楼
    • 3.0 HD 在劫难逃 泰勒·洛特纳,莉莉·柯林斯,阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳,西格妮·韦弗,迈克尔·恩奎斯特,詹森·艾萨克,玛丽亚·贝罗,丹泽尔·惠特克
    • 6.0 第12集完结 吸血鬼侦探 涂世旻,薇拉贝儿,范俊涵,李腾飞


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