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    The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen now presented as an over two-hour unabridged and seamless animated feature. Witness the no-holds-barred battle between the Justice League and an unstoppable alien force known only as Doomsday, a battle that only Superman can finish and will forever change the face of Metropolis. The Death and Return of Superman finds Superman in a fight to the finish when the Man of Steel becomes the only hero who can stand in the way of the monstrous creature Doomsday and his unstoppable rampage. Superman saves the planet, but not himself, leaving Earth’s citizens – and his heroic contemporaries – dealing with a world without Superman. The aftermath of Superman’s death, and the subsequent disappearance of his body, leads to a new mystery – is Superman still alive? The question is further complicated when four new super-powered individuals – Steel, Cyborg Superman, Superboy and the Eradicator – emerge to proclaim themselves as the ultimate hero. In the end, only one will be able to proclaim himself the world’s true Superman.


    • 5.0第8集完结勇者王FINAL 2000桧山修之,半场友惠,嘉数由美,川澄绫子,真殿光昭,小林清志,伊藤舞子,石井康嗣,江川央生
    • 8.0第3集阿诺德和他可爱的木偶们 繁体中文版阿诺德,裘克,里奥,班恩
    • 3.0第6集X战警97 第一季雷·蔡斯,詹妮弗·黑尔,艾莉森·西莉-史密斯,卡尔·J·杜德,JP·卡利亚赫,伦诺·赞恩,乔治·布扎,AJ·罗卡西奥,霍莉·周,艾萨克·罗宾逊-史密斯,马修·沃特森,阿德里安·霍夫,克里斯·波特,凯瑟琳·迪舍,Anniwaa,Buachie,克里斯·布里顿
    • 10.0HD农民卡米拉·乌尔泽多夫斯卡,罗伯特·古拉奇克,米罗斯洛·巴卡,索尼娅·米特利卡,玛格查塔·柯查恰沃斯卡,索尼娅·博霍谢维奇,埃瓦·卡斯珀齐克,西泽瑞·鲁卡斯瑟维克茨,多萝塔·斯大林斯卡,安德烈·卡诺普卡,马特兹·鲁辛,马切伊·穆西尔,塞浦路斯·格拉博夫斯基,,马特·马莱茨基,安德鲁·玛兹塔列兹,茱莉亚·维尼瓦-纳基维奇
    • 10.0更新至06集X战警97第一季雷·蔡斯,詹妮弗·黑尔,艾莉森·西莉-史密斯,卡尔·J·杜德,JP·卡利亚赫,伦诺·赞恩,乔治·布扎,AJ·罗卡西奥,霍莉·周,艾萨克·罗宾逊-史密斯,马修·沃特森,阿德里安·霍夫,克里斯·波特,凯瑟琳·迪舍,Anniwaa,Buachie,克里斯·布里顿
    • 5.0第30集完结斗龙战士 第六季祖晴,李旭乔,严彦子,刘红韵,邓红


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